Paula Winchester Enterprises, LLC

Miracles Do Happen!

Woman cooking food on a Solar Cooker

In this country when we think about our meals and how fast we can get them, we do not have to worry about HOW WE ARE GOING TO COOK those meals? Do we have enough firewood? Do we have to send the children scurrying for miles to find that wood? Will they return safely? If we do not have enough firewood, we just might have to trade some of our food rations for that firewood. There is always the concern about smoke inhalation and the possibility of burns.

Miracles do happen for Solar Cookers International created an inexpensive solar cooker - a non-polluting, clean, convenient, easy-on-the-environment device that utilizes the sun that shines every day. Parade Magazine wrote an article about their efforts in countries where the people are trying to survive under dire circumstances.

My company has been donating to Solar Cookers International for years. We will continue to support their work by giving a 3% donation from the annual total purchase of our products.
Paula Winchester